Ancient Wisdom: Can Ayurvedic Prakruti Provide Invaluable Insights into Integrative Medicine?  

Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine, has long emphasized personalized care based on mind-body constitutions, known as prakruti. This article explores the potential insights that prakruti can offer to modern integrative medicine, particularly in tailoring treatments to individual patients. Through a study involving 129 participants, significant correlations were found between Ayurvedic prakruti types and common […]

Cancer… The Unnecessary Tragedy

Please… My Soul hurts to see this againShe came seeking validation,I yearned to give her comfort.Her eyes exposed the fear and uncertainty underneath,I could not in good faith tell her it would be alright.Squelching her hope is the last thing I desire,Who am I to say you will not live?Yet, how many times have I […]